Sunday, September 12, 2010

Carrot update

We have been watching our carrots since we put them in water a few weeks ago. They have changed a lot!

Roots have grown out the sides of the carrots and green bits have grown out the top (Kobe).

The carrots have grown gynormous green stalks out of the top of the carrots and the carrots grown huge, white roots out the side of the carrots. They all have roots. All of the carrots have black bits that are mould growing on them (Morgan).

The carrots have sucked up heaps of water. Ngaire has been putting more water in every day (Georgia).

I wonder if they're going go rotten (Jacob).
I wonder why the green stalks are different sizes on different carrots (Salah).
I wonder if the black bits will go away (Grace).
I wonder how big the green stalks are going to grow (Lili).
I wonder if the orange that is still on the carrot it will all go black and have green stalks and a black top of carrot (Morgan).
I wonder if the green stalks will get any bigger (Maia).
I wonder if the orange bit is going to go all black (Emma).
I wonder if it's going to grow even larger (Adarsh).
I wonder if the roots are going to come out even more (Maia).
I wonder if soon the green bits will start falling off (Corban).

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